🌿Green New Year 绿韵新春🌿
As the Chinese New Year approaches, an exciting online event is coming — the "Green New Year - Beautiful Chongqing and the World’s Celebration of the Chinese New Year" photography exhibition. 随着新春佳节的临近,一场线上活动即将到来——那就是“绿韵新春——美丽重庆与世界共度中国年”摄影展。
This event, jointly organized by the Chongqing Renewable Energy Society and the Chongqing Energy Research Association, aims to showcase Chongqing's achievements in ecological environmental protection and green development, promote cultural exchange between China and the world, and spread green values along with New Year blessings. 本次活动由重庆市可再生能源学会和重庆能源研究会联合主办,旨在展示重庆在生态环境保护与绿色发展方面的成就,推动中外文化交流,传递绿色理念与新春祝福。

🧨Events Schedule 从除夕至元宵🏮
Registration Period 报名时间:January 28, 2025, 8:00 AM (Chinese New Year’s Eve) to February 12, 2025, 11:59 PM(Lantern Festival). 2025年1月28日(除夕)8:00至2025年2月12日(元宵节)23:59。
Voting Period 投票时间:February 13, 2025, 12:00 midnight to February 18, 2025, 12:00 midnight (Voting will only take place during this period). 2025年2月13日0:00至2025年2月18日0:00(仅在此时间段内可投票)。
Review Period 评审时间:February 19, 2025, 12:00 midnight to February 26, 2025, 11:59 PM, Votes will be tallied, and expert reviews will be conducted. 2025年2月13日0:00至2025年2月18日23:59(统计投票将结果并进行专家评审)。
Results Announcement 结果公布:February 28, 2025. Winners will be announced through the Society’s WeChat public account, video channel, and photo live-streaming platform. 2025年2月28日,将通过学会微信公众号、视频号及照片直播平台公布获奖名单。
🎯Participants 参赛人员🎯
Individuals registered under the Chongqing International Eco-Environment Volunteer Program. 参与重庆市生态环境国际志愿者项目的人员。
Foreign nationals who have participated in other activities organized by the Society. 曾参与学会其他活动的外籍人士。
Volunteers capable of telling Chongqing's green stories in English. 能够用英语讲述重庆绿色故事的学会志愿者。
Members, corporate staff, and partners of the Society who can narrate stories in English.能够用英语讲述的学会会员企业工作人员、个人会员及合作机构人员。
📸Event Rules 活动规则📸
Submission Categories 提交种类 :Participants may upload original (size no larger than 30MB), unedited photos under the following categories 上传原创、未经编辑的照片(最大30MB),可上传以下种类:
Beautiful Chongqing: Capturing moments of Chongqing’s natural beauty and green development. 美丽重庆:捕捉重庆自然风光和绿色发展之美。
Chinese New Year Around the World: Showcasing cultural stories and international friendships during Chinese New Year celebrations worldwide. 世界欢度中国年:展示世界范围内的欢度中国新年的文化故事和国际友谊。
Photo Requirements 作品要求 :
Each photo must include a title, shooting date, location, and author information. 每张照片必须包括标题、拍摄日期、拍摄地点以及作者信息。
Only original works taken during the event period are accepted. Post-processing or Photoshop editing is not allowed. The intellectual property belongs to the author. 仅接受活动期间拍摄的原创作品,不允许后期处理或使用Photoshop编辑。作品的知识产权归作者所有。
Each participant may upload only one photo per category, with a maximum of two photos in total. If exceeded, only the last photo submitted will be retained. 每位参赛者每个类别最多上传一张照片,最多可上传两张照片。如果超过,系统将保留最后提交的照片。
🏆Event Rewards 奖励设置✌️
Outstanding Participant Awards优秀作品奖励: A total of 20 outstanding works will be selected and awarded souvenirs and certificates of recognition. Winners will have priority participation in subsequent Society activities. 20件优秀作品将获得纪念品和证书,获奖者将优先参与后续学会相关活动。
Participation Rewards参与奖励: All participants will receive certificates of participation. 所有参赛者均可获得活动参与证书。
📲Sign In 报名方式💻

🌍Storytelling through Photography 感受新春祝福🎉
The "Green New Year - Beautiful Chongqing and the world's celebration of the Chinese New Year" photography exhibition showcases Chongqing's natural beauty and green development, along with vibrant scenes of Chinese New Year celebrations worldwide. Through the perspectives of international friends and Chongqing people living all around the globe, the exhibition highlights the unique charm of cultural fusion and ecological progress, spreading New Year blessings and advocating for green values. “绿韵新春——美丽重庆与世界共度中国年”摄影展展示了重庆的自然美景和绿色发展,以及全球范围内中国年庆祝活动的生动场景。通过来自世界各地的国际友人和在渝重庆人的视角,展览突出展示了文化融合与生态进步的独特魅力,传播新春祝福,倡导绿色价值观。
Let’s tell the green story of Chongqing and the cultural story of the world celebrating the Spring Festival through images, enhance international friendship, and embrace the beautiful blessings of the New Year! 让我们一起用影像讲述重庆绿色故事和世界欢度春节的文化故事,增进国际友谊,迎接新春的美好祝福!